
81 Implementing the on-chain governance voting method Yeri, Daniel, Aidan, Ollie, Eddie
82 A new GC reward structure due to abolition of the Gini coefficient Yeri, Daniel, Aidan, Ollie, Sam, Uno, Eddie
113 BLS public key registry Ian, Ollie, Joseph, and Aidan
114 Supplant DIFFICULTY opcode with RANDOM Ian, Ollie, Joseph, and Aidan
146 Unpredictable Proposer Selection Ian, Ollie, Joseph, and Aidan
149 Unified System Contract Management Process Lewis, Ian, Ollie, Lake, and Aidan
163 CnStakingV3 with public delegation Lewis, Ian, Ollie, and Aidan


71 Dynamic Gas Fee Pricing Mechanism Woojin Lee (jared), Junghyun Colin Kim
103 Treasury Fund Rebalancing Aidan, Toniya, Ollie, Ian
160 An Update of Treasury Fund Rebalancing Ollie, Yumiel, Ian, Aidan