KIP 13: Interface Query Standard Source

AuthorJunghyun Colin Kim

Simple Summary

This KIP defines a method to query whether a contract implements a certain interface or not.


This proposal defines:

  1. How interface identifiers are defined
  2. How a contract publishes the interfaces it implements
  3. How to query if a contract implements KIP-13
  4. How to query if a contract implements any given interface


Since there is no clear way to find what functions are implemented in a contract, this KIP proposes a standard method to define and query interfaces in a contract. For example, if we define an interface identifier of KIP-7, we can easily determine a contract implements KIP-7 or not.


This document derived heavily from Ethereum’s ERC-165 written by Christian Reitwießner, Nick Johnson, Fabian Vogelsteller, Jordi Baylina, Konrad Feldmeier, and William Entriken.

How Interface Identifiers are Defined

An interface identifier is a combination of function selectors of a contract. A function selector is four bytes of keccak256 hash of the signature of a function (e.g., bytes4(keccak256('supportsInterface(bytes4)'))). The signature is defined as the canonical expression of the basic prototype without parameter names and the return type.

We define the interface identifier as the XOR of all function selectors in the interface. This code example below shows how to calculate an interface identifier:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

interface Solidity101 {
    function hello() external pure;
    function world(int) external pure;

contract Selector {
    function calculateSelector() public pure returns (bytes4) {
        Solidity101 i;
        return i.hello.selector ^;

Note: interfaces do not permit optional functions, therefore, the interface identifier will not include them.

How a Contract Publishes the Interfaces it Implements

A contract that is compliant with KIP-13 shall implement the following interface (referred as InterfaceIdentifier.sol):

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

interface InterfaceIdentifier {
    /// @notice Query if a contract implements an interface
    /// @param interfaceID The interface identifier, as defined in KIP-13.
    /// @dev Interface identifier is defined in KIP-13. This function
    ///  uses less than 30,000 gas.
    /// @return `true` if the contract implements `interfaceID` and
    ///  `interfaceID` is not 0xffffffff, `false` otherwise.
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool);

The interface identifier for this interface is 0x01ffc9a7. You can calculate this by running bytes4(keccak256('supportsInterface(bytes4)')); or using the Selector contract above.

The implementing contract will have a supportsInterface function, and it returns:

  • true when interfaceID is 0x01ffc9a7 (supportsInterface itself)
  • false when interfaceID is 0xffffffff
  • true for interfaceID this contract implements
  • false for any other interfaceID

This function must return a bool and use at most 30,000 gas.

Implementation note: there are several logical ways to implement this function. Please see the example implementations and the discussion on gas usage.

How to Query if a Contract Implements KIP-13

  1. The source contract makes a STATICCALL to the destination address with input data: 0x01ffc9a701ffc9a700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and gas 30,000. This corresponds to contract.supportsInterface(0x01ffc9a7).
  2. If the call fails or return false, the destination contract does not implement KIP-13.
  3. If the call returns true, a second call is made with input data 0x01ffc9a7ffffffff00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. This corresponds to contract.supportsInterface(0xffffffff).
  4. If the second call fails or returns true, the destination contract does not implement KIP-13.
  5. Otherwise it implements KIP-13.

How to Query if a Contract Implements any Given Interface

  1. If you are not sure if the contract implements KIP-13, use the above procedure to confirm.
  2. If it does not implement KIP-13, then you will have to see what methods it uses in other way.
  3. If it implements KIP-13 then just call supportsInterface(interfaceID) to determine if it implements an interface you can use.


We tried to keep this specification as simple as possible. This implementation is also compatible with the current Solidity version.

Backwards Compatibility

The mechanism described above (with 0xffffffff) should work with most of the contracts previous to this standard to determine that they do not implement KIP-13.

Test Cases

Following is a contract that detects which interfaces other contracts implement. From @fulldecent and @jbaylina.

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

contract supportsInterfaceQuery {
    bytes4 constant InvalidID = 0xffffffff;
    bytes4 constant supportsInterfaceID = 0x01ffc9a7;

    function doesContractImplementInterface(address _contract, bytes4 _interfaceId) external view returns (bool) {
        uint256 success;
        uint256 result;

        (success, result) = noThrowCall(_contract, supportsInterfaceID);
        if ((success==0)||(result==0)) {
            return false;

        (success, result) = noThrowCall(_contract, InvalidID);
        if ((success==0)||(result!=0)) {
            return false;

        (success, result) = noThrowCall(_contract, _interfaceId);
        if ((success==1)&&(result==1)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    function noThrowCall(address _contract, bytes4 _interfaceId) constant internal returns (uint256 success, uint256 result) {
        bytes4 id = supportsInterfaceID;

        assembly {
                let x := mload(0x40)               // Find empty storage location using "free memory pointer"
                mstore(x, id)                      // Place signature at beginning of empty storage
                mstore(add(x, 0x04), _interfaceId) // Place first argument directly next to signature

                success := staticcall(
                                    30000,         // 30k gas
                                    _contract,     // To addr
                                    x,             // Inputs are stored at location x
                                    0x24,          // Inputs are 36 bytes long
                                    x,             // Store output over input (saves space)
                                    0x20)          // Outputs are 32 bytes long

                result := mload(x)                 // Load the result


This approach uses a view function implementation of InterfaceIdentifier. The execution cost is 586 gas for any input. But contract initialization requires storing each interface (SSTORE is 20,000 gas). The MappingImplementation contract is generic and reusable.

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "./InterfaceIdentifier.sol";

contract MappingImplementation is InterfaceIdentifier {
    /// @dev You must not set element 0xffffffff to true
    mapping(bytes4 => bool) internal supportedInterfaces;

    function MappingImplementation() internal {
        supportedInterfaces[this.supportsInterface.selector] = true;

    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {
        return supportedInterfaces[interfaceID];

interface Simpson {
    function is2D() external returns (bool);
    function skinColor() external returns (string);

contract Lisa is MappingImplementation, Simpson {
    function Lisa() public {
        supportedInterfaces[this.is2D.selector ^ this.skinColor.selector] = true;

    function is2D() external returns (bool){}
    function skinColor() external returns (string){}

Following is a pure function implementation of InterfaceIdentifier. The worst-case execution cost is 236 gas, but increases linearly with a higher number of supported interfaces.

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "./InterfaceIdentifier.sol";

interface Simpson {
    function is2D() external returns (bool);
    function skinColor() external returns (string);

contract Homer is InterfaceIdentifer, Simpson {
    function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceID) external view returns (bool) {
          interfaceID == this.supportsInterface.selector || // InterfaceIdentifier
          interfaceID == this.is2D.selector
                         ^ this.skinColor.selector; // Simpson

    function is2D() external returns (bool){}
    function skinColor() external returns (string){}

With three or more supported interfaces (including KIP-13 itself as a required supported interface), the mapping approach (in every case) costs less gas than the pure approach (at worst case).



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