KIP 103: Treasury Fund Rebalancing Source

AuthorAidan, Toniya, Ollie, Ian

Simple Summary

This proposal suggests a smart contract interface standard that records the rebalance of treasury funds. The main objective is to facilitate the approval and redistribution of treasury funds to new addresses while keeping record of the the previous fund addresses.


Organizations need to manage treasury funds in a transparent and accountable manner. The proposed standard aims to make the management of treasury funds more transparent by recording the rebalance of treasury funds. The smart contract will keep records of the addresses which hold the treasury funds before and after rebalancing. It also facilates approval before execution.


Transparency is the one of most important aspect of blockchain. It is important to ensure that treasury funds are allocated and managed in a transparent and verifiable manner. The proposed smart contract aims to disclose the management of treasury funds in a transparent manner through smart contracts reducing the risk of errors and mismanagement. By providing transparency and accountability in the allocation and management of funds, the smart contract can help to build trust and confidence among stakeholders.


The proposed smart contract will be implemented in Solidity and will be compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The smart contract will use Ownable contract to restrict access to certain functions to the owner of the contract.

The smart contract will have the following features:

  • Register/Remove fund addresses
    • Previous fund addresses(Retired): Retired fund represents the previous fund addresses such as KGF or KIR
    • New fund addresses(Newbie): Newbie fund represents the ‘rebalanced fund’ such as KCF or KFF
  • Approve fund addresses and fund allocation. Receive approval for asset transfer from the admins/owners of the funds
  • Reset the storage values at any unforeseen circumstances before Finalized
  • Finalize the smart contract after execution

Smart Contracts Overview


The smart contract will have the following enum to track the status of the contract:

  • Initialized - 0: The initial state of the contract.
  • Registered - 1: Retirees and Newbies are registered.
  • Approved - 2: All retirees approved by msg.sender
  • Finalized - 3: Rebalance executed and finalized.

Life Cycle

The contract status should follow the ENUM order above during status transition. The only way to go to previous state is by calling Reset() function.

Status transition

  • Initialized → Registered → Approved → Finalized ✅
  • Initialized, Registered, Approved → Initialized, when reset() is called.
  • Registered, Approved → Initialized, when reset() is called.

All other status transitions are not possible.


The smart contract will have the following structs:

  • Retired: to represent the details of retired and approver addresses.
    • Retired represents the previous fund addresses such as KGF or KIR
    • Approver represents the admin of the retired address. Approver addresses are stored to track the approvals received for asset transfer
  • Newbie: to represent newbies and their fund allocation.
    • Newbie represents the ‘rebalanced fund’ such as KCF or KFF


The smart contract will have the following storage variables:

  • retirees: array of Retired struct.
  • newbies: array of Newbie struct.
  • status: current status of the contract.
  • rebalanceBlockNumber: the target block number of the execution of rebalancing.
  • memo: result of the treasury fund rebalance.


The smart contract will have the following modifier:

  • onlyAtStatus: to restrict access to certain functions based on the current status of the contract. If the status is not the same with the given status, it reverts.


The smart contract will have the following constructor:

  • constructor: to initialize the contract with the target block number of the execution of rebalance.

State Changing Functions

The smart contract will have the following state changing functions:

  • registerRetired: to register retired details. Retired stores the retired address and approvers
  • removeRetired: to remove retired details from the array.
  • registerNewbie: to register newbie address and its fund distribution.
  • removeNewbie: to remove newbie details from the array.
  • finalizeRegistration: sets the status to Registered only executed by owner. After this stage, registrations will be restricted.
  • approve: to approve a retiredAddress by the admin.
  • finalizeApproval: sets the status to Approved. After this stage, approvals will be restricted. </br> Conditions
    • every retiredAddress must be approved
    • min required admin’s approval is done for retired contract address.
    • sum of retired’s balance is greater than sum of the newbies’ amount </br>
  • reset: resets all storage values to empty objects except rebalanceBlockNumber. It can only be called during Initialization, Registration and Approved status.
  • finalizeContract: to record the execution result of the rebalance and finalize the contract. The storage data cannot be modified after this stage.

Fallback Function

The smart contract will have a fallback function to revert any payments. Since its a treasury contract, it should not accept any payments nor it should allow any withdrawal.

Core Logic Overview

To enable treasury fund rebalancing, a Klaytn node should specify a deployed smart contract address and a target block number on the node configuration like hardfork items. At the configured block number, a Klaytn node reads registered information from the smart contract and executes treasury fund rebalancing.

Chain Configuration

ChainConfig introduces the following fields for treasury fund rebalancing. The configurations are used to trigger rebalancing and find the contract storing rebalancing information. All nodes in the network should update genesis.json configuration with the same value as if updating a hardfork block number. The configuration values for Baobab and Cypress networks can be hard coded on the client source code.

  • kip103CompatibleBlock: Treasury fund rebalance executing block which is the same as rebalanceBlockNumber of the smart contract
  • kip103ContractAddress: The address of the treasury fund rebalancing contract


Before executing rebalancing, registered values on the smart contract are validated to confirm whether the owners of the retired account agree on the rebalancing and whether the rebalancing doesn’t cause inflation of KLAY. The following should be confirmed before the execution.

  • Kip103CompatibleBlock == contract.rebalanceBlockNumber: Ensure the owner of the retired accounts agree on this timing
  • contract.status == Approved: Confirm the status of the contract is ready to rebalance
  • contract.checkRetiredsApproved(): Double-check the agreement of the retired accounts’ owners at the execution time since the ownership is replaceable
  • totalRetiredAmount >= totalNewbieAmount: Ensure the rebalancing doesn’t issue any KLAY


The rebalancing is executed at the end of the block processing process. In other words, it is executed after processing all transactions of the block and distributing block rewards. If a retired account is one of the receiver of the block reward, the amount also will be used for rebalancing. All KLAY in newbies account before rebalancing will be burnt as well. After rebalancing, the remaining KLAY of retired accounts will be burnt. Below is the new fund allocation logic including burn.

for addr := range Retireds {
	state.SetBalance(addr, 0)

for addr, balance := Newbie {
	// if newbie has KLAY before the allocation, it will be burnt
	currentBalance := state.GetBalance(addr)
	Burnt = Burnt + currentBalance

	state.SetBalance(addr, balance)


The execution result of treasury fund rebalancing will be printed as an INFO-level log on each node. The owner of the treasury rebalancing contract is supposed to update the log on the smart contract as memo finalizing the status of the contract. Anyone can read and verify the rebalancing result by interacting with the smart contract. The data type of memo is byte array containing marshaled json data. Refer to the following format and example if you want to parse it.


    "retirees": [ { "retired": "0xRetiredAddress1", "balance": [removed balance in Peb] }, { "retired": "0xRetiredAddress2", "balance": removed balance in Peb], ... } ],
    "newbies": [ { "newbie": "0xNewbieAddress1", "fundAllocated": [new allocated balance in Peb] }, { "newbie": "0xNewbieAddress2", "fundAllocated": [new allocated balance in Peb], ... } ],
    "burnt": [burnt amount in Peb],
    "success": [true/false]

Note: 10^18 Peb is equal to 1 KLAY




The smart contract is mainly for recording the details, and the Core will execute the fund re-distributions.

Design decision

KLAY transfer is not allowed via smart contracts

As the balance of treasury funds keeps increasing for every block with the block reward its hard to keep track of the balances and rebalance token allocation. So smart contract will only record the rebalanced allocation and the core will execute the allocation by reading from the contract.

Approval of retiredAddress

To record the addresses in a verifiable manner, the addresses are verified in the contract by calling approve method. The retiredAddress can either be a Contract Account (CA) or an Externally Owned Account(EOA).

  • In case of an EOA, verification occurs when the account holder directly calls the approve function. msg.sender == retiredAddress
  • In case of a Contract, verification occurs when the admin of the contract calls approve function. The smart contract calls the getState() function implemented in the retiredAddress contract to get the admin details. msg.sender == admin
    • getState() funtion is implemented in Klaytn treasury contracts. It returns the adminList and quorom (min required admins to approve).
    • Condition: Min required admins should approve the retiredAddress contract.

No Withdrawal

Smart contract is not allowed to receive KLAY due to security reasons. So any transaction sending KLAY to the contract will be reverted and withdraw function is not implemented.

Finalize Contract

Once the re-distribution a.k.a rebalance is executed by the Core, the status of the smart contract will be finalized by adding a memo. Any modifications to the storage data will be restricted after finalization.

Once Finalized anyone can read and verify the rebalancing result by querying the memo in the smart contract.

Query Result:

memo= "{
  "retirees": [{"retired": "0xRetiredAddress1", "balance": "0xamount"}, {"retired": "0xRetiredAddress2", "balance": "0xamount"}, ...],
  "newbies": [{"newbie": "0xNewbieAddress1", "fundAllocated": "0xamount"}, {"newbie": "0xNewbieAddress2","fundAllocated": "0xamount"}, ...],
  "burnt": "0xamount",
  "success": true

Backwards Compatibility

  • The foundation should deploy new TreasuryRebalance contract to record the token redistribution.
  • To rebalance the funds and redistribute in a consistent manner the foundation should burn the designated funds before re-distribution.
  • This does not affect the backward compatibility as this a newly dpeloyed contract


Example implementation

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @dev External interface of TreasuryRebalance
interface ITreasuryRebalance {
     * @dev Emitted when the contract is deployed
     * `rebalanceBlockNumber` is the target block number of the execution the rebalance in Core
     * `deployedBlockNumber` is the current block number when its deployed
    event ContractDeployed(
        Status status,
        uint256 rebalanceBlockNumber,
        uint256 deployedBlockNumber

     * @dev Emitted when a Retired is registered
    event RetiredRegistered(address retired);

     * @dev Emitted when a Retired is removed
    event RetiredRemoved(address retired);

     * @dev Emitted when a Newbie is registered
    event NewbieRegistered(address newbie, uint256 fundAllocation);

     * @dev Emitted when a Newbie is removed
    event NewbieRemoved(address newbie);

     * @dev Emitted when a admin approves the retired address.
    event Approved(address retired, address approver, uint256 approversCount);

     * @dev Emitted when the contract status changes
    event StatusChanged(Status status);

     * @dev Emitted when the contract is finalized
     * memo - is the result of the treasury fund rebalancing
    event Finalized(string memo, Status status);

    // Status of the contract
    enum Status {

     * Retired struct to store retired address and their approver addresses
    struct Retired {
        address retired;
        address[] approvers;

     * Newbie struct to newbie receiver address and their fund allocation
    struct Newbie {
        address newbie;
        uint256 amount;

    // State variables
    function status() external view returns (Status); // current status of the contract

    function rebalanceBlockNumber() external view returns (uint256); // the target block number of the execution of rebalancing

    function memo() external view returns (string memory); // result of the treasury fund rebalance

     * @dev to get retired details by retiredAddress
    function getRetired(
        address retiredAddress
    ) external view returns (address, address[] memory);

     * @dev to get newbie details by newbieAddress
    function getNewbie(
        address newbieAddress
    ) external view returns (address, uint256);

     * @dev returns the sum of retirees balances
    function sumOfRetiredBalance()
        returns (uint256 retireesBalance);

     * @dev returns the sum of newbie funds
    function getTreasuryAmount() external view returns (uint256 treasuryAmount);

     * @dev returns the length of retirees list
    function getRetiredCount() external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev returns the length of newbies list
    function getNewbieCount() external view returns (uint256);

     * @dev verify all retirees are approved by admin
    function checkRetiredsApproved() external view;

    // State changing functions
     * @dev registers retired details
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Initialized state
    function registerRetired(address retiredAddress) external;

     * @dev remove the retired details from the array
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Initialized state
    function removeRetired(address retiredAddress) external;

     * @dev registers newbie address and its fund distribution
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Initialized state
    function registerNewbie(address newbieAddress, uint256 amount) external;

     * @dev remove the newbie details from the array
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Initialized state
    function removeNewbie(address newbieAddress) external;

     * @dev approves a retiredAddress,the address can be a EOA or a contract address.
     *  - If the retiredAddress is a EOA, the caller should be the EOA address
     *  - If the retiredAddress is a Contract, the caller should be one of the contract `admin`
    function approve(address retiredAddress) external;

     * @dev sets the status to Registered,
     *      After this stage, registrations will be restricted.
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Initialized state
    function finalizeRegistration() external;

     * @dev sets the status to Approved,
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Registered state
    function finalizeApproval() external;

     * @dev sets the status of the contract to Finalize. Once finalized the storage data
     * of the contract cannot be modified
     * Can only be called by the current owner at Approved state after the execution of rebalance in the core
     *  - memo format: { "retirees": [ { "retired": "0xaddr", "balance": 0xamount },
     *                 { "retired": "0xaddr", "balance": 0xamount }, ... ],
     *                 "newbies": [ { "newbie": "0xaddr", "fundAllocated": 0xamount },
     *                 { "newbie": "0xaddr", "fundAllocated": 0xamount }, ... ],
     *                 "burnt": 0xamount, "success": true/false }
    function finalizeContract(string memory memo) external;

     * @dev resets all storage values to empty objects except targetBlockNumber
    function reset() external;

Reference Implementation :

Test Cases

You can find test cases for this KIP, please refer to this link.



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